Spell Reign

As we walked through the door. A hall gleaming with visions of our past journey and tests were dancing on the walls. The floor was made of glass with flames seen below it. As we watched, we realized that everything was for a reason. The battle with the Warvue, the spirits at my home, the men in cloak. They all were signs of the oncoming Apocalypse and that our journey was the beginning of it. The visions pointed toward the end of the hall where black light grabbed our attentions. We walked out of the hall into a world where things were upside down. Doors led to nowhere and some to different worlds. It was the true test. One of these doors led us to the epic battle grounds where we would find the Bringers of Norgard and the elders of our family. We were separated and each with different paths set in front of us.

Kycenia’s door led her to a desilated place covered in flames. But because of her ice power she could not feel the intensity of the flames. At the end of her path was a large volcanic mountain with light shooting from its mouth. Walking toward the volcano. Large creatures emerged from the lava pits scattered throughout the region surrounding the pathway. Kycenia engulf with fear. Started to run. Faster and faster as the creatures smashed the grounds. Threw bolts of fire onto the road. Kycenia turned backwards and released a wave of icy wind. It placed the creatures behind her on ice temporarily. But the creatures in front of her were not as easy to subdue. Her mind cluttered with thoughts of the goddess Snow, Kadeem, our mission, and what happens after. She could barely see the path ahead of her. When the cloak figure appeared in front of her path. She stopped in her tracks. The spirit pounced onto her with skillfully aimed attacks. The figure in a dark gloomy voice. That she is one of the Bringers of Norgard and that she will not let Kycenia leave this place alive. The two engaged in a brutal fight. With her final blow. Kycenia unleashed a gloring blizzard which froze the landscape. The figure slit Kycenia’s risk and touched the blood. Kycenia fell to the ground and Snow took over. She repelled the demon backwards and denounce any harm shall be brought to Kycenia. The demon smiled and stated it has what it wanted and then it disappeared. The creatures frozen in ice from the blizzard allowed Kycenia (Snow) to continue down the path. At the edge of the volcano. A door opened and Kycenia walked through.

Kachine walked through his door and landed in a grassy meadow. His path was that of a racetrack. A demonic announcer could be seen from the viewing booth with fellow demons on each side of Kachine. They were geared and ready to race Kachine to the finish line. The announcer mentioned that whoever lose the race will perish. At the end of the racetrack Kachine notice it was a door which he presume would lead him to Norgard. A horn was sound and the race was off. The racers growled at each other and cause friction along the track. Launching attacks and dealing out trades on attacks to stop Kachine. Who although had the ability of super speed could only outrun a few of the demons. Some of the other demons acclaim while running that they are Speed Demons and that they were the fastest creatures alive. But confidence has always been a strong suit of Kachine. A cousin I adored for his ambitious nature. It has always been, for the short while that I have known him, been a good quality. More than ever he will show it in this race. As Kachine and the demons raced, the end of the track was coming near. All the demons band together to launch a group attack breaking up the track. From fire to giant boulders, the track was becoming a harsh field. The finish line was visible and so was the door. A cloak figure appeared before the line and the demons smile and laugh the closer Kachine got to the finish line. As Kachine approached the finish line ahead of the demons. The cloak figure grabbed Kachine by the hand, lifted him up, pricked his finger, and Kachine fell to the ground. His blood magic was taken. The cloak figure disappeared and the demons were catching up. Kachine did not have the time to figure out what just happened. So he continued through the finish line and he disappeared.

Kristos stepped through his door and he appeared on an obstacle course. With numerous mazes and obstacles. A voice appeared from the air and mentioned that at the end of the maze was the door to Norgard. But that demons were lurking through the maze and that obstacles would come to life and stop him at any cost. Kristos thinking with his advance intelligence he would make it through this maze without any problems. So he started his journey. The first object was a swirling ring with sharp spikes. The spikes shot out like a boomerang toward Kristos. He dodged some of the spikes but were struck by two which landed in his left arm. He used the blood to release his magic to burn a path through the maze. Although injured several creatures raged toward him from the grass structure walls of the maze. He fought them and manage to get through. While charged on blood magic, Kristos was now standing face to face with a cloak figure. The cloak figure touched his arm and Kristos was thrown backwards like he was hit by a wall. The walls of the maze closed back.

Laughing the cloak figure says to Kristos “You better hurry your cousins are in a lot of trouble.”

Kristos continued his way into the maze. Giant glowing balls of fire rolled down one isle toward Kristos. Moving diligently through the obstacle course. The walls then collapsed onto the ground. The small piece of hope came about with a shining light appearing from the other end of the wall. Kristos ran as fast as he could before chains wrapped around his body. With a combination lock on it. The lock was counting down. Using his power to try numerous combinations at a time. Something happen when the chain finally broke. Kristos realize that the counter was still counting downward. The door at the end of the maze was closing. Putting two and two together, Kristos realize that the counter is counting down the time the door closes. Running to the door, Kristos crosses into it and the door closes behind him.

Kachina’s door was different than the rest. As each realm was related to our abilities like the judges said. Kachina knew that hers was going to be something related to her ability to control the wind. A born strategist. Kachina always believe that there is a battle ahead. So she casts an enhancement spell onto herself to make herself stronger. As she walks onto her path toward a shining door with weird writing on it. Several versions of herself appears on the pathway. The doppelgangers of herself appears, rushing toward her with fierce wind like attacks. Defending herself, Kachina blocks her mirror forms using defensive Shield Magic. The attacks manage to cut through causing her to get scars across her legs and arms. A dark figure appears from behind her. Grabs her and whispers a spell into her ear. She falls to the ground and her doppelgangers beat her further. The cloak figure absorbed Kachina’s blood magic and it caused her doppelgangers to get a boost in power. With the light from her door weakening. Kachina has to move fast. With her remaining energy, Kachina uses a wind spell to repel her enemies. In her weakening state she was able to open up a path that would allow for her to the door. However, her realm had its own choice for her. Walking toward the door, the doppelgangers disappear revealing she is being tested. Kachina makes her way to the door and tries to step through but several strategic quizzes appears floating in midair in front of her. She reaches out to grab one and it talks to her in her own voice. The voice asks her several questions. Using her vast knowledge of war and war related terminology. Kachina answers the questions accurately. However, she is asked a question related to angelic symbols. She answer two out of four questions correctly. The other two she got wrong caused her door to disappear. Laughter heard from a distance and voices speaking in Latin grows closer to Kachina. Thinking she is hallucinating, she breaks down. Only to hear a shy hope from a voice similar to her mum. Her mum who died when she was only a baby. But has since always protected her by guiding her into the right direction. Her spirit helped her off the ground and reminds her of her sanity. She replaces doubt by casting a revealing spell over the area. It showed the lands were covered in writings.

“The place you are in is a domain of pure knowledge. The smartest of them all my child. You were brought here not by challenge. But by pure coincidence. Each of you and your cousins are of the bloodline of powerful casters and warlocks. The strongest that has ever existed. She says.

Kachina’s mum continues “I have always guided you in the best direction but it was always you who made the right decision. It will come a time when you will have to make the toughest decision of your life. You will regret it but you will one day realize it to be for the best. “

She holds her daughter hand and the two walks into light. They disappear and Kachina enters Norgard.

Kadeem entered his realm with no evil to fight. But, an obstacle to overcome. Which was to go through four test to get his life back. The first test he encountered was that of the Hanging Men. One of the seven men are worth saving and the other six consists of murderers condemned for hell. Kadeem walked up to the seven hanging men and heard each man’s story carefully. As each man told their stories to help convince Kadeem of their innocence. Kadeem made his choice by the man who story was that of honesty. Judging by flaws the gentleman made. Not the perfection of the other stories told to appear as the glorified story. When he chose the man. He was correct. The other six men burned to ashes and the right man thanked him and shot upward in a beam of light. Kadeem’s second test was to rescue a child who was frozen in fear in the middle of a lake. Surrounding the child was a hydra who could breathe the different elements. The hydra could not be killed and strength alone would not defeat it. But one act could save the child without having to fight the hydra. Kadeem walked across the bridge leading to the islet were the girl was stranded. The girl crying out for help was being taunted by the hydra. The hydra lashed out toward the girl but Kadeem picked up a nearby boulder and threw it at the hydra. As the hydra cried, it released water, rocks, wind, and fire from its heads. The girl stopped crying and went silent. She laughed and provoked the hydra again. Trying to get the hydra’s attention, Kadeem noticed that the hydra was not interested in attacking him but defending itself from the girl whose taunts were causing it internal pain. As Kadeem approached the girl he turned to the hydra. He turned to the girl and back at the hydra. The girl shouted for him to kill it before it kills them. But the hydra did not attack him even at close range. Kadeem then took out the blade given to him by the judges and stabbed the girl.

“The hydra is not the enemy. You are the enemy.” Says Kadeem.

The girl changed to a demon and disappeared in flames. The hydra returned six women dressed in various colors representing the four elements. In one voice, the women explained that his next two challenges will also be similar test. This will prove if he is worthy to return to the land of the living or roam amongst the dead here in Eternity. Kadeem’s third test consists of a demon and an angel. Kadeem watches as the two plays with one another in a garden split between fire and water. Kadeem must choose which is of good nature and which is of an evil. As he watch the two play he converses with them. He joins them in games and storytelling. In the middle of one of their games. He notices the angel cheats and the demon plays by the rules. He mentions that the angel is the bad one and that the demon is the good one. The two smile and reveals that not all angels are as believed. Likewise with demons. The demon hands him a key which opens the door after his final test is completed. But warns that his next test will be of the greatest challenge. The two disappear and the scenery changes.

The fourth and final test. Is of a little boy who Kadeem remembers but cannot remember his name or identity. Just his face. The young boy is dead and can only get his soul to return to his mum’s arms if someone helps him retrieve it back. Sealed away in a hovering crystal. The soul is adult form. Kadeem runs upward the spiral staircase that circles the crystal with the boy in tow. He carries the boy as the two gets closer to the tip of the crystal.

“I have to tell you something.” Says the boy.

“Yes kid what is it?” asks Kadeem.

“Only one of us can get our soul back and return to the land of the living. The soul in that crystal can change to either one of us depending on who enters it.” Says the boy.

Kadeem looks at the boy and remembers his family and friends back in the land of the living. Disappointed of the outcome. He does not want to leave them. But he enters the staircase that leads to the opening in the crystal. He puts the boy down on his feet and walks toward the crystal. As the boy stands behind him. He looks back at the boy and asks him if he has any family and how long ago has he been gone.

The boy responds “I died unexpectedly and I cannot remember what happened but I can remember that my mum and dad were sad as I watched them. Before I disappeared here in this place.”

“My life has been one big snowball effect. I have always watched others live and do what they wanted. But for the last one hundred and forty years of my life. I have been too afraid to do anything because of fear of losing. But not any longer. I have done and will do what I want to do. Which is save lives.” Says Kadeem.

As he walks to the boy and leads the boy into the crystal. The boy smiles and turns to him and says thank you. When the boy steps into the crystal. It lights up and the soul of the boy shoots to the sky. It is reveal to Kadeem that the boy is the younger version of him. When he was younger, his parents in the midst of a demonic attack. Hid him in their basement for protection. However, curious caused him to leave the basement back upstairs and then he was shot by a incoming fireball. Now dead, a young Kadeem was sent to the underworld for judgement. Although, because of his destined future. He was given a chance to reclaim his life. Too young to take on challenges of his own. A warrior was brought in to fight on his honor. The warrior at the time would be his older self. It is revealed that he is in a continuum where his past and present is combined in one. Completing the final test correctly. Light omits from his hands and then the rest of his boy and he begins to float in the air. He is alive again. His door opens with a lock on it. Using the key given to him by the demon from his previous test. The key unlocks the door and he steps through it.

Stepping through my door, I entered a land with giant burned trees and gray skies. The ground appeared like ash and the flowing river was black lava. The stench from this place, stunk of decay and blood. It was definitely a foul place to be for sure. But I continued to walk as the door behind me had disappeared. I was alone for the first time on this journey and now knowing that the apocalypse was approaching. I walked across a broken land with everything burned to a crisp. The grounds were broken into pieces with chunks of it floating into the air. The air too had oxygen but it was rough. As far as I could see nothing was around. However, I did notice that a storm was brewing and quickly. Out of nowhere fireballs poured from the skies like fallen stars. Just like that I was under attack. But, I could not see who or what was firing at me. As I ran, the fireballs got bigger and the storm got worse. The ground begun to split behind me and the trees fell within the cracks. Coming to the edge of the path I was on. There was no other way to go except across a large river of black lava. I could not run backwards to get a head start on an ill-fated jump. So I did the next best thing. I used the levitation spell I learned prior to this journey. I levitated into the air and used my telekinetic ability to propel myself across the river. But as I grew closer to the other side. My magic started to faint away. So I pushed harder and landed hard onto the ground. The fireballs stopped and the storm grew louder. Laughter could be heard in the distance. The mysterious figure flew by me and pushed me out of the way as a massive fireball aimed at me. As I got up the figure was engaged in a fight with several cloaked men. Similar cloaked men that appeared back at my home right when this all happened. As they engaged in the fight I ran toward a giant gate. The gates opened and I was in a black void. Within the void I notice the elders of my family chained to some sort of a totem pole. Their energy was being drained by darkly figured men and women. As I devised a plan. One of the figures called out my name.

“Dear little Kyra, we knew you was in our realm for some time now. It’s the reason behind the constant string of attacks and creatures we sent your way. I must say we underestimated you and your family’s ability to overcome our obstacles.” Says the man.

“Who are you and what are you doing to the elders?” I asked.

“I think you know who and what we are. The real question is what you are going to do about it.” He adds with a laugh.

He returns to the circle surrounding the elders. I use my magic to try and break the circle that was bounding the elders. Only to have my attacks repelled. I tried a vanquish spell that my mum used before. It did not work either. At last I tried to use energy based attacks from energy balls to energy beams which only drained me even more. From the void other attacks were launched at the circle including one by the mystery guy from earlier. The demons disperse and then disappeared. From the rumbling dark skies the demons returned with fury. They were like raining bombs of fire as they launched onto us. Laughter and blasts of fire and energy. These demons had incredible speed and power. It was no wonder why they were feared for so long. So as usual, we were in another fight. Kachine, Kachina, Kycenia, Kadeem, Kristos, and I each took on the demons as we tried to manage a way toward the elders. The fight bombarded us and we started to lose. The demons outnumbered us and I was knocked unconscious. In a dream state I appeared in a white room in front of a lady with beautiful golden and white garments. She mentioned that her name was Ogleshia and that she was a member of the High Council. Apparently they are aware of the battle at hand and are sending us some help. But the demons have cloaked the realm so it is impossible for outside forces to enter.

“We watched you go through so much since you was born. To only be where you are now. It is not your time to die but yet you are here to learn the truth. The Bringers of Norgard are the direct children to your ancestors. They were created from the foulest black magic that has ever existed at the time. From your blood line can only a remedy be their downfall. But be warn child as the future is uncertain.” She said.

I awoke and thought of a plan. My objective changed. I broke from the fighting and as the demons tried to follow me. The mystery guy protected me again. I smiled and he smiled back from under his mask and I quickly turned toward the sky. I prick my finger, touched my blood and raised my hands to the sky. Praying that this would work. I began to say a simple phrase.

“Remove the cloak from this place.” I said in a repeated manner.

My cousins did not hesitate from doing the same thing. Knowing that I must have been up to something. The sky begun to light up and the veil around the realm was shattering. With the skies opening up, the angels from the heavens begun to fly downward onto the ground. Fighting the demons. We had help and the High Council was right.

“How did you know to do that?” asks Kycenia.

“The High Council told me in a vision” I responded.

Confused they looked at one another and return to the battle. But the demons were not contempt with losing. So the very creatures we fought before, return this time scarier then the last time. The battle now very intense showed no sign of early victory. Blood was main visual with the lands being covered in it. The skies although brighter, the storm was stronger. The angels moved like light and the demons moved like dark fog. I and my cousins raced to save the elders while the demons were distracted. They were unconscious and bound to wires. As I reached to untie them. Kycenia yelled:

“Don’t touch the wires. Those wires are spelled by Demonic Magic. It is giving off strong and suspicious vibes.”

Kycenia then released an ice spell onto the wires and Kadeem broke them off using his strength. Now that we had the elders. I looked back at the fight and we were off. However, while we were in the middle of transporting back to the magic realm. Two of the demons followed us. Trying to pull us back to their realm. One of them got a hold of me and as I wrestled with it, it taunted me about the death of my father and that I was responsible for it.

“You know you killed your father. He was a mortal who hated you for what you were. You are not a normal. You are a caster. And no normal caster at that. You are a Bloodcaster. Something that has not existed since nearly four thousand years prior to this generation of Lazaron.” The demon says to me.

“You are lying. My father loved me and my family.” I said.

“He loved your mum and your siblings. But how could he love you. You was not even his.” He said.

We wrestled down to the ground and my cousins and the elders were gone. I fought the demon with all my strength. I was angry and nothing could stop me. I felt my magic growing dark inside of my body. But I did not care. It was something that I pushed forward to using against these ill dark creatures. The battle of the angels and the demons around me was coming to a deadly end. Blood was everywhere. Burned wings could be found on the dead angels while ripped open body parts of demons could be found on the corpse of demonic creatures. This had officially become a battleground. The demon that taunted me punched me. I turned to insert myself as a rival to him. I used my blood to attack him as it turned harden like sharp glass. More of it flowed from the previous drops. Like a flowing river streaming from one another. I launched out an all will attack. Any and everything around me started to levitate and expelled from me. My eyes were black as the sky above me. My hair turned a whistling white with my body trembling with anger. I hated all things in this world. From the demons to my father dying. Everything seemed unfair. The demon charged at me with a smug look on his face as if he was going to win this fight. I waved my hand and he flew backwards. I flew to the sky and started unleashing a wave of telekinetic power throughout the air. Back at my family’s estate. My cousins arrive with the elders.

“We have to go back and get Kyra” says Kachine.

“We can’t go back there after what we been through” says Kachina.

“I agree with Kachine, we have to go back for her. I have a feeling she would do that for us” says Kadeem.

“Say if we do go back. We are pretty much drained from all of the things we have been through in that world. How are we going to get back? What if we get lost along the way?” insists Kachina.

Back in Norgard, I realized that I was losing memory of my time spent outside of this place. It’s knowledge and the knowledge of those that have entered here is now becoming my own. It was as if I was becoming one with it. My heart was slowing and my blood was thickening. Meanwhile, back at the mansion, my cousins raced to find ideas to get me back home before it was too late. Little did they know that I was already becoming one with Norgard.

“Where is my daughter?” ask my mum.

“She was pulled back to Norgard while we were trying to escape with you.” Says Kachine.

Franticly my mum says “We have to get her back now!”

“We will Ms. Evangeline. We are working on a way.” Says Kristos.

“You don’t understand, the longer you are in Norgard. The faster you die and become a part of that place.” Says my mum.

My mum was correct. As I stood here I could feel myself getting stronger but my mind was getting weaker. All I could hear were the voices of the spirits that roam Norgard. I could feel the connection between myself and the demons grow stronger too. It was a strange feeling.

“Gather together we need to form a link with Kyra. Using our blood we would be able to connect with her and pull her here.” Says my mum.

So they did. Each member prick their finger and grabbed each other’s hands. They closed their eyes. Heavy winds blew and the lights flickered. When they opened their eyes. Their eyes were white and the blood from their cuts dripped onto the floor. The blood moved to form a ring. The ring then glowed and summoning patterns appeared in the circle. Summoning me back was a difficult tasks. As the gates of Norgard was closing quickly. Back in Norgard, I closed my eyes and I was back in the mansion. White light blasts my family back from the circle. I appeared before them, dressed in white. My hair had strands of gray. Little did they know was that more came back with me then just me. I was not myself. Something covered my thoughts but I could see everything that was happening. With shared knowledge, I knew what was about to happen. I lifted my hands and objects from around the room started to move. Glass shattered and doors blew open. The skies turned a pitch red with the ground shaking. Similar events as before were happening again. My family tried to calm me down but had no luck in doing so. I shielded myself with a field of magnetic energy which could repel anything that touched it. My heart was heavy and I could barely breathe. Whatever it was that was possessing me, was strong and was like thick black fog in my body. My mum knew I was not myself and attempted to link with my inner self using her blood. But the force was too great. It blocked her and she was pinned magically to the wall.

“Hahaha, your daughter has very powerful magic. So powerful we think we may like to remain in her.” Says demonic voices coming from me.

“Who are you?” asks my mum.

“Foolish caster, we are the Bringers and we are here to take back the blood magic of this retched family for our parents.” Says the demons.

“The demons are possessing Kyra. They must of came back with her when we summoned her.” Says Kycenia.

“How do we defeat them now?” asks my mum.

“The only way is to extract them from Kyra.” Says Kycenia.

“We have to act quickly before they kill my daughter.” Says my mum.

As they whispered to each other. The demons lifted massive furniture and threw it at my family. As my family repelled the attacks. It was becoming obvious that they were drained and could barely fight much longer. The other elders woke up and came to help us by using reflective attacks. My mum whispered the plan to the other elders and everyone acted quickly. My cousins distracted the demons while the elders worked on the extraction spell. Attacks fired around the main hall. While other members of the family protected the young. The elders prepared the extraction spell and the chanted “Be gone” in various languages. Lights blew out and the ground opened up. The demons could be heard screaming as they were being pulled from my body. They were resisting the spell which hurt my body. The spell continued with more languages being added. Some of the younger members of the family joined in the spell as so did my cousins as they fought the demons. My mum manage to link with me using her blood magic. The demons however was not going to go without something to take. So with the link established. The demons chanted a mysterious spell. My mum fainted and the blood link was gone. But it was enough for me to perform the spell from within as well. I was able to tap into some of my own magic while the demons were distracted. As I chanted the demons were expelled from my body and my wardrobe and hair returned to normal and the demons left my body.

The demons appeared in flowing smoke filled garments. Their faces were covered in various masks depicting different emotions. They pulled out various weapons which glowed. The symbols on the weapons had a presence of black magic dripping from their blades. Ready to attack. Kachine, Kachina, Kristos, my mum, Kadeem, and Kycenia all were eagerly prepared. Albeit tired and nearly drained from all the fighting. But true warriors, they could not allow the demons to be victorious. As I was taken into the other room by one of my fellow cousins who stayed behind. I yelled for my mum, which caused one of the demons to charge toward my direction. Barely able to move my body. I closed the doors to the sitting area to block the demon from entering. Out of smoke and fire. The cloak figure appeared and told me not the worry. He cast a protection spell over the room so that the demons could not enter. He disappeared to join the fight against the demons. But the weird thing about him I notice. Was his similar attire. Something I missed in his quick appearances from before. His scars along his partially covered face matches the same scars on the cloaked figured demons in the other room. It could be a coincidence or he could have a connection with them. I watched from the other room. But as they fought I felt sharp pains running up my back and through my arms. The floor under the chair lit up with the same summoning circle as before. When I was summoned here. The room turned black and everything was gone. The circle now white with sigils. I was alone. Reaching out from the darkness, a hand with markings tried to grab me. But I returned to the room. My body once hard from the pain. Returned to normal and I was healed. I watched my cousins and the elders fight endlessly against the demons and their growing hoard of lesser demons. Magic and dark magic going head to head. Windows breaking, shattering of glass, breaking of furniture. The children were moved to another room for safety. While the fight broke off in various parts of the house. Touching the door to leave to enter the fight. I was pushed back by the spell protecting it. Using various previously learned spells to try and break it. Did not work. Until an energy bolt hit the door and the spell was broken. An energy bolt headed toward me. Reflected by my telekinetic abilities. The demon aimed toward me. The mystery guy protected me. We both now fighting side by side against the demon.

“Well Well Well I see two unlikely of allies have join forces. Tell me caster. Have he told you who he is?” says the cloaked demon.

“I don’t need to know who he is. He has helped me since I arrived in your retched realm.” I responded.

“I bet you will sing a different tune if you knew the truth.” Says the demon.

“Shut up, demon.” Says the mystery guy.

The book appeared in white light floating in midair. The demon turned and went to reach for it. I reflected his attempt with my magic and grabbed the book. The three of us fought our way into the foyer. The demon disappeared in smoke up the stairs. Launched a firebolt and cracked open the staircase.

“Give me that book caster.” Says the demon.

“Never!” I responded.

Kycenia using her ice power caused a blowing blizzard into the foyer. Freezing the floors. The mystery guy floating above the floor. Lifted me up with some type of magic. Mystery in deed I was comforted to know that he was on my side. We continued to fight and then the rest of the fight issued back into the main foyer. Nearly destroying the mass room. Kadamba broke open an exit to the outside. With heavy rains. He wanted us to push the fight outside to preserve the home.

We did and the fight grew even more deadly. With larger attacks, we were growing stronger for some reason. Unbeknownst to us. The book was feeding us much needed energy. Calling on its presence was probably the reason behind its appearance.

“Watch out!!” screamed Kycenia.

As a demon tried to kill me with a demonic dagger. It manage to cut me on my arm. Watching each member of my family fight off against a demon. I took my blood and drew a sigil on the pavement of the back patio. I made a similar summoning circle and placed the book in the center of it. I do not know how I knew how to do this. But the book was showing me somehow. I could see the spell clearly. I thought of Kachine, Kachina, Kycenia, Kristos, Kadeem, Kadamba, and my mum. I thought of their powers and their strengths. I placed my bloody hand on the book and closed my eyes. All the noise from the fighting and the storm above. Went into a quiet slumber for a moment. I could only hear music and the sound of a river flowing in the background. The birds chirping in the trees and the wind blowing from a distance. All the bad noise was gone.

I opened my eyes and the image of myself was in front of me. I was dressed in black with dark colored makeup on. Long black hair and my skin was a hazel brown. My eyes glowed with sizzling red and my neck was decorated with pearls that shined brighter than the moon’s glow. She smiled at me and kneeled down on the ground in front of me. She grabbed a dagger from her cleavage and slit her throat. It was a horrific sight. But she was not dead. She smiled and took the drooling blood and placed her hand onto the circle. The darkness turned to white and red. Those noises returned and she disappeared. She appeared next to me whispering in my ear.

“We are one and the same. One day you will know what happened to us. One day you will know the truth. But until then you shall fight this fight. Vanquish those demons and give back the life that we want. Use this spell that I am teaching you.” She says.

The book glowed and changed to black for a moment. Everyone fell to the ground and all the blood magic from anyone on the property went into me. I raised my hands covered in drooping blood. My eyes were pitch black. And my similar attire like the form that was in front of me. I banished the demons.

In a puff of thick smoke the demons left the grounds laughing and screaming. I awoke from the daze to find everyone around me unconscious on the ground. I ran to each person to check on them. They were okay but it was strange. It felt like something was taking over my body again. Like before with the demons.

The following day it was revealed by Kadamba that everyone’s blood magic was taken by the demons during their trials. Including the elders, however he also mentioned that somehow each member of the family lost their blood magic. Which mean they are now normal casters and warlock. Although still powerful in their own right. Not as strong as before. He glanced at me with a look of disappointment. But with recent blackouts I could not remember anything. Could it be possible that it had something to do with me? Could it be that I was just as dangerous as the demons sent to kill my family? It was something that I was not contempt with. And that once we return home I would devote my time to figuring this out. But keeping it a secret from my mum and siblings. With so much have happen in these last few weeks. I am worry that more is coming our way. I return to my family. With each member questioning how the demons are as powerful as they are to have token our strongest magic away from us.

“How is it possible that anyone could take our blood magic away?” asks Kristos.

“The bringers have a long list of powers. One of them especially design by the first Bloodcasters. Our ancestors. To remove other blood magic. But only if a link with the demon is performed. Which usually is rare.” Says Kadamba.

“If the demons are that powerful. Then we need to be on our best guard. Especially now that they are out in our world.” Says Kycenia.

Looking from the distance, was the mystery guy that helped us. Not even knowing his name. I just wanted to know if he was okay and if we would ever properly meet. He smiled under his cloak and within the shadows of the stormy night. He disappeared.

The following night, I bid farewell to my family. As my family and I longed for our own home. Each member vowed to keep close contact with one another. My mum agreed that we should keep a close eye on each other now that the demons are here. So we each received special medallions which were constructed over a century ago by an ancestor. It would insure that we could talk to each other like a telephone. The medallion glowed whenever someone of our own bloodline was around us. Which was especially needed seeing that the demons could also appear like anyone. Kadamba mentioned that the medallions should work across dimensions. If not then our magic should help increase the frequency. After giving us instructions to use it. We each disappear using various forms of magic.

It was nice to return home. I removed my clothing and took a shower. Walking back to my room, I noticed the spirit of the young caster from before standing in the hallway. The cat stood next to her while the dog on her right. The three stood there staring at me. She closed her eyes and lend her hand. I stepped up to her and laid my hand over hers.

“The demons are not yet done attacking you. They want the rest of your family’s blood magic to awaken your ancestors. Everything you have been through has been for this Apocalypse. Please be careful as more challenges awaits you.” Says the girl in the vision.

“Who are you?” I ask.

“I am Alexandria. I was born and I died within the years of 1502 to 1517. Just like you. I too was a caster. However, because of a terrible spell placed upon my family. We will always die young. To return to guide young casters and warlocks into adulthood. Like yourself.” She says.

She continues “the dog and the cat, are known as familiars. They are powerful spirits belonging to my family. Who have been sent in numerous forms across the dimensions and have guided every known caster, warlock, and in between since the first caster. Their powerful essences can give the caster or warlock the power to overcome great obstacles. Please remember however, that their identities cannot be revealed until their duty is completed.” She says.

“Why are you telling me this now?” I ask.

“Because you will need to know your allies from enemies in the coming months. Being a spirit I am not bound to time. Thus I know the future. Although I am forbidden to tell you. I can suggest you to be weary of strangers and stay close to your family. Follow your heart and remember that good and evil are not always so easily distinguishable. “She says.

She disappeared and the cat and dog ran off. I went to rest and close this long chapter. With school arriving in two weeks. This summer is now behind me and what a summer it was.


Insert from the Book of Time

“You see this girl has gone through a lot up to this point. She found out that not only is she a caster but she belongs to a powerful line of dark casters known as Bloodcasters. Using their own blood combine with magic can be lethal. So lethal that nearly all forces on Earth fought against them. Banishing her ancestors to Hell with their ever growing influences on Earth growing each generation. Now thousands of years later, a girl name Kyra is about to unearth what really happened back then. This discovery will help her face what is coming.”

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