Spell Reign

The family instructed us to step inside of their igloo. The only problem was that their igloo was very small. With only a small animal or object could enter it. A similar crawl space found in Ananaka’s castle. So I was aware of this type of magic. The family entered the door and Kachine followed. We looked at each other and followed behind. Entering on the other side we see massive insides of what appears to be a hall. With the walls covered in ice and snow but the entire environment was warm and inviting. White talking dogs came to greet us and the family. Introducing themselves as the guides of the family. The dogs mention that they are servants to The Dog and were sent here to guide the family into the coming Apocaylpse.

“So wait, you mean that the Apocalypse was already foresaw.” I said.

“Yes the Apocalypse was foretold ions ago by seers, prophets, fellow casters, and oracles. Books including the Christian bible also spoke of the coming threat. But to make matters worse, no one actually believed that it would happen. So the worlds went unprepared. But the Caster’s Council took precausions just in case. By preparing the magical community with protective families to guard the points on Earth.” Says the elder of the family.

“We were told by the Caster’s Council of your arrival. Unfortunately that was before demons raided our land. Hoping to find the entrance to the point of this land.” Says the father of the family.

The father introduced himself as Bishop Demoy and his wife as Misty Demoy. The two tell their past and how they were chosen as the protectors of the point. Pouring us hot drinks. Bishop draws onto the past to discuss that his family have existed since the early 1100s. Shown to have great power over ice. The region of my family’s birth. Was a place of which we was secluded from all others. Our tribe was proud and practiced ice magic for generations. When the first threat to our land came to light. We were given power over the dead by the Caster’s Council. Believing that we could help assist in protecting the world from the dark forces predicted. Nevertheless, as much as we tried the power for some was too great. The power influenced some, causing them to take to the underworld. Practically, attempting to take over the Underworld and raid over the living. Others remained in the land of the living, joining forces with the Caster’s Council. Protecting our land and nearby others from the dark forces that leaked from Hell.

The Demoys appeared mostly as paled skinned men and women whom had symbols of ancient magic embroil onto their bodies. In the late 1900s, the last Demoy named Wilma met John Watson and the two gave birth to a daughter named Olivia Watson. Bishop’s daughters Angelica and Wilma came in from inside. Introducing themselves and stating that a major storm coming from the south. The storm was dark with raging lightning splitting the ice on the ground. The storm was moving fast. Bishop and Kristos both imagined it to be Kyran’s forces moving in on the gate of hell found in this region. Everyone moved outside with the Demoys preparing their grounds with glowing ice shards. The shards lit up and hovered in the air. The shards seemed to protect us from the storm. Giant shadows, several Warvue, and Sholls running from within the dark cloud hitting the ground. We engaged in battle. Magic was flying directly over the entire land.

Moving in on what was causing the storm, an astral projection of Kyran appears riding on a giant Warvue. As he directs his army to attack the ground beneath the igloo. He flickers in and out, showing that Kyran is still weak where ever he is. Noticing this, the Demoys use their ice magic to develop a massive blizzard over the creatures. Causing a distraction we all surround the house. With the creatures marching through the blizzard. The oncoming race to protect the point is present. Kyran jumps off of the Warvue and lands in front of Angelica. He grabs her by the neck and threatens to kill her if we did not give up access to the point.

Screams Misty “Please don’t her my daughter.”

Trying to distract him, Kristos mentions that astral forms are mental pulses that acts on the leader. So therefore cannot easily be distracted. Kyle closes his eyes to send a mental pulse to Kyran’s astral form. This causes the astral form to drop Angelica. As he falls to his knees in pain. He gets back up as quickly as he fell. He rises and releases a wave of dark energy. He throws a bolt of energy at Kyle piercing him. Falling to the ground I run to my brother’s aid. Kyran then destroys the igloo and with the help of Kyran from an unknown distance. Rips open the ice covering the gate. There it was, a massive steel gate submerged in holy water. Kyran uses his power to cause the land to level. Revealing the gate in full. As we watch what was happening. Kyran had successfully found the gate. With one final attempt to stop him, his creatures continue to come. As though they were being created in massive numbers one after the next. Holding us back, the creatures allowed Kyran to open the gate with his blood. The Demoys grew weaker and the entire area blew up. Ice and snow sparkled in the air and the ground was broken into pieces. Now submerged in icy waters, creatures of all types came out of the gate. With little energy remaining to fight. Our grandfather teleported to us. Revealing that there was nothing left to do here. He lift his hands and we all vanished. Returning back home, our heads were low as we have failed. The Demoys used their ice magic to help heal my brother while I turned my attention to my grandfather.

“Why did we leave. We could have help seal the gates back.” I said.

“Once the gates are open, they cannot be closed again unless by very powerful magic. The type of magic that has not existed for centuries.” Says Kadamba.

“What about the Caster’s Council, the High Council. Surely they cannot sit back and let this happen.” I said.

“I will try and see what they are willing to do. But with them, it is no telling. They are entrusting in us to take care of this on our own. It is the reason why they allowed our family to flourish this long.” Says Kadamba.

Not believing what I was hearing. I turned to my room. Speaking to The Dog and The Cat, they both told me that there is another way. That my father had numerous powerful weapons that he was not aware that he had. Maybe something of his collection could help close the gates. Looking at each other the cat and dog turned to me. I look to my window and thought to myself that this could not be happening. Remembering that just a few weeks ago, my biggest problem was Ace and falling for a new guy, Karos. How such problems were now in the distant.

Speaking of Karos, I gave him a call.

“How are you doing Karos?” I said.

“I am okay. It is something I must tell you.” He said.

“What is it?” I said.

“I cannot tell you over the phone. Meet me at your family’s cabin behind your house.” He said.

Hanging up the phone. His brother Kendem mocked him. Using his power, he pinned Kendem to the wall. Walking down the stairs, his brothers and sisters guarded the door.

“Get out of my way.” He says

“You are not leaving this house.” Koran said.

“What are you my parents now?” says Karos.

“No but your parents are very angry at you. They want to talk to you.” Says Kymberly.

Continuing toward the door, Karos says “They can go to hell. Oh wait they are already there.”

“I can’t let you leave.” Says his brother Kent.

Karos fought his brother and pinned him to the ground with his fist. He then repelled him up against the chandelier.

Walking out the door Karos responds to what just happened “I fought you before and won. I will do it again.”

Attacking Karos as he ran to my home, several shadows devoured the light around. Attempting to fight them, I could feel his despair. He was hurting and his magic was weakening. Running out of the cabin to help him. I found myself forced back into the cabin. It was Koran followed by his siblings Kymberly and Kendem. They stood over me. Telling me that what is to come is because of me.

“Within the darkness one light shall shine above all else. Only she shall have the power to overcome any threat. Only she will have the power to move the darkness back to Hell.” Says the voice of Vivica Lazaron.

I snapped back into reality with Karos’ siblings telling me to stay away from their brother or I would pay. With a blink of an eye, the siblings disappeared. The door was wide open and I saw a mysterious figure at the end of the walkway leading out to the street. Her hair flowed with the wind and she appeared sad. As I rose to my feet. I walked down the pathway to her. She was saying something but I could not hear her. As I came face to face with her. Her eyes shinned like the moon in the sky. Her dress was familiar and so was her appearance. She lift the veil from her shrouded face. With which she revealed herself as me. I took a step backward to see that this woman was me. But she was slightly older and had markings glowing from under her dress. Wind was flowing around her body but no wind was in the air. I was curious to find out who she was. But she covered her lips with her hand and walked down the street. She was leading me to the house of Karos. As his siblings were gone. She walked through the door. I could not step on the premises. It seemed though magic was repelling me from the area. The woman however walked to the front door and she disappeared. She reappeared on the center of the lawn. Releasing a wave of magical energy. A spell ring appeared and she walked up to me to say that it was done. Asking how she broke the field around the house. She responded in time. I would learn how to do the same. We walked into the house to find that nearly the entire house was vacated. As we looked around us it was obvious that the siblings were in a hurry. I worried that Karos left without saying goodbye. But as quickly as the thought entered in my mind. Karos says my name from behind me.

“Kyra, what are you doing here?” he says

“I came to see you. What is going on?” I asked him.

Appearing speechless, he responded “I can’t explain now. You must go before they return.”

“Who? Your siblings?” I asked him.

Staring at him with tears in my eyes. “Everyone leaves me when I get to close. Please don’t you leave too.”

“I want to stay with you. I really do. But there are things that you won’t understand just yet. I wish you could understand and understand what I did for you and what you are destined to become. But I fear that if I told you then you would be more hurt than understanding.” He says.

Trying to figure out what he was talking about. The woman pulled me to the side as his siblings barged through the door demanding Karos to follow them. They could not see me but Karos could. I was being shrouded by the woman’s magic. She mentions to me that we must leave. But not to worry, I would see Karos again. Her words came out with confidence chain to them. I was astounded by her optimism especially when neither I nor Karos showed the same. We disappeared and magically was transported back at home. Greeted by the Demoys and my family. Discussing the possibility of resurrecting a powerful totem that was left in their care. With the hope that they could reclaim the power of their point. My mum called us to the library from upstairs and mentioned that to us upon arrival. That she found something worth looking at. She turned the page of the Book of Sanctuary to an entry dedicated to the five points of magic.

Reading from the passage my mum stated “Long ago when the creators of good and evil were the only beings in existence. The forces created numerous lesser species, of which would give existence to balance, authority, and life. Of those that would facilitate such commands would consist of the Ho’zares, The Powers, The High Council, the Gods, the Ancient Spirits, and the Creatus de’ Inobulus. The Ho’zares created by the Ultimate Good during the birth of the good and evil in the new Universe. They lived high above all else watching and providing laws throughout the universe. Their many children range from the Almighties, Domaedians, High Council and one of their most well-known siblings include Belckus. Because of their all watchful nature, many beings fear them and would rather face death then to meet even one Ho’zare. All powerful they collectively can recreate or destroy all existence and even had the power to overthrow and imprison their brethren Belckus. The Powers were ancient creatures that appeared as little children clothed with white and black garments that concealed their true forms. The Peon People believed that everyone on Earth had a similar spirit. And that each creature could control some force of element found on Earth. They built a temple so far in the sky that no human could reach it, in its center lied a room of white. In the center of the room was the world projected as a viewing globe and all fate was controlled here. They took neither the side of good nor evil and stood neutral as a balanced power. Creatus de’ Inobulus were humans that were believed to exist before even the gods. The Elitsyians believed that the world once was very beautiful and went untouched until the gods came about and later created mankind. This mother race shared a vision which taught how the world would be rebuilt after the final battle. It would be the second time that the world would be reincarnated. The first time was before their current stories and the race of humans that lived in that world created the gods and their universe out of images. These humans were so powerful that they went unmatched. But one fateful day, the Elitsyians wrote that the Creatus de’ Inobulus to which their name spelled out the “tribe of creators”. Disappeared into nothing and destroyed their world in hopes that their powers would not find its way into the new world. The Elitsyians later wrote in text that this race of humans ascended into the sky still watching over the world unheard and unseen. The gods were a race of beings created to watch over the world and given mass amount of power in return. But like many before them, their reign would come to an end.”

“So what happened? What was the point of the story?” I asked.

“I’m not finished Kyra. The next page inserts that when the five races disappeared from existence. Each left behind their powers in one way or another. Rather knowingly or not. Those five points of power later became the five points of all power in existence.” She says

“The five points of magic?” I asked.

“Yes. But not just magic. All known power flows from those five points. You see, every world, every life, and every known existence. Has its own variation of the five points. On Earth, those five points created a star known as the Elitsyian Star named after the race who founded the five points nearly four thousand years ago. The Kenoxes, The Kinosh, The Kodarus, The Kendruid, The Kondrian, and The Elite Star.”

“Wait, that’s six points.” I said

“Yes the sixth star was missing for nearly the entire existence of mankind. Hidden as a safety precaution until the final seal of Hell was revealed. Your ancestors dark forces sent out numerous forces to destroy it hoping that by breaking it first it would be easier to destroy the others. By doing so they succeeded.” Says Bishop Demoy.

“I don’t understand your seal was the sixth lost point?” I asked.

“Yes. Hidden in ice far away from all else.” Responds Bishop.

“The Kondrian point is the only other point that was created before life and will exist long after all else is destroyed. Also hidden on a remote location. The star represents life and death as our star represented Immortality and Power.” Says Bishop.

“Where is this star?” asks Kristos.

“It is located in Australia.” Responds Bishop.

“Maybe we should break up, we could hit more points by splitting up.” Says Kachine.

“No that is what the Bringers and Kyran wants.” Says Bishop.

“Kachine is right. By splitting up, we can cover more ground.” Says my mum.

“Where are the other points located anyways.” I said.

“The book doesn’t say. It just points to the different continents of which they are buried.” Says my mum.

“The five points were hidden for a reason. We were lucky to find the Elite Star when we did, but we still failed. We cannot make the same mistake twice.” Says Kadamba.

He insisted that we break up to find the other points faster. Keeping in contact using the techniques that he has been teaching Kyle.

“So what do the other points consist of?” I asked.

“The Kodarus is a source of magnificent power. It consists of every emotion in existence locked away within it. One of the most influential points in existence, it has been said to be the Pandora Box of which the ancient Greeks wrote about. It is located in North America”

“But I thought the box was actually a box.” I asked.

“Actually the box was carved by casters as a way to contain the escape emotions from the Kodarus. Given to the gods for safe keeping just in case that the seal was one day open. At least the emotions would not escape and inflict harm onto the world. However, in fear that the gods would one day use it to their advantage. The Caster Council sent a warrior caster named Pandora to retrieve it. She was successful but later in her life. She was tricked by a demon to open the box. She was killed the following night for the apparent betrayal. The emotions that did not affect mankind. Was sealed back into the box and the box in return was placed safely back into the Kodarus.” Says my mum.

“The Kinosh another power source contributes to all the elements on Earth. Earth, Water, Air, Fire, Wind, Metal, Matter, Time, Space, and all those drawing their similar attributes from such elements are too affected by this point. It is located in Africa.” Says Kadamba.

“This point was guarded heavily by spirits of all kinds and was considered as the Garden of Eden by the Christians long ago. Said to have disappeared after the son and daughter of Kathias named Adam and Eve. The first casters. Ate forbidden fruit, thus bringing betrayal and darkness onto the world. Exiled for their betrayal, Kathias along with the help of the High Council hid the garden somewhere on Earth. Only magical beings can see the garden although the garden secret remain as such for the entirety of human existence.” Says my mum.

“So you mean to tell me that every known legend or mythology on Earth are somehow connected to these points? To our family?” I said.

“Yes, the points have been influential power points since all creation started. It is the reason behind their importance and why their power was chosen to keep the gates of Hell shut for eternity.”

“Okay where are the other points.” I said.

“Yes, The Kendruid is a power source to all light and darkness on this plane. All those containing this power in any form. Draw their power from this place. Unlike the other points, this particular point is protected by multiple families instead of just one. Because of its importance to the final battle. This will be the place where the final battle will be fought. This is the place where the Earth will end.” Says Kadamba.

He continues with the Kondrian, the only point other than the sixth point. That was created before life existed on Earth. It will survive the end of the world and suck in this solar system as a radiating star. All existence and a new world would be brought forth from this point. It is located in Australia. As I walked away from the rest of the family trying to take in everything that I have just heard. I remember the story about the point of which this family has guarded ever since the time of Vivica Lazaron. The Kenoxes the source of power behind all mental base powers including my telepathic abilities. It represents Nature and it can also bend time and manipulate matter. With close connection with the Kinosh, this point is the youngest and was a homing ground for all sorts of magical beings over time. Including a gathering place before my family took over this point during the mid-1600s. Orders were given, as we each prepared our goodbyes to one another. Teams were formed. Kachine took several of our cousins and family members to North America. While Kachina did the same and left for Australia. Kristos took his group to Central america while Kadeem left for Antartica in hopes to find a way to close the seal that was opened there. I stayed behind in hopes that Karos would return. In the process to protect the Kenoxes from Kyran.

As the groups head out for another epic battle. My grandfather, Kadamba, gave us each magical items to detect the other points and evil. The items were from my father’s collection. As each group teleported to their respective destinations. Something was watching us from a close destination. The figure grin and burst into crows and flew away. The house shook. Windows blew into pieces and the fire roared in the fireplace. As the house shook with fear of dark forces lurking. Shadows creped in and pinned me to the floor. Black smog erupted from the ceiling and hovered over me with Kyran’s face in it. Stating that I was going to lose he reached through my chest to rip out my heart. But a radiant light propelled him out of the house. The light appeared as me and then it turned into Vivica Lazaron. She helped me up off the ground and turned into corporal form. She led me to the basement and magically dangled charms around the walls to ward off evil. Asking her what she was doing here and it was that she was corporal. She mentioned that magic is a powerful thing and once you master it. You would have complete control over it. She summoned the Book of Sanctuary from the library upstairs. Turned the pages to the back of the book. To a page that was unfamiliar with me. When asked how come I never saw the page before. Vivica responded that the book adds new pages every second. Whenever new things are unearth and whenever the holder needs knowledge. Hence it’s ever growing size. It was an unmasking spell. The woman that looked like me walked down the stairs and Vivica’s cheery face turned into a scorned one. She used her magic to throw the woman back upstairs and told me to stay down in the basement. I refused and followed her. She was confronting the woman, yelling at her for coming here. The woman crying and pleading that she could not let Vivica come alone. Hearing all of it. I asked what was going on and Vivica turned and mentioned that the woman was her daughter. Laza Lazaron. When I asked a pondering question of her appearance. Vivica looked down to the ground with her hands over her face as she leaned on the counter in the kitchen. Laza shouted that she cannot hold her identity a secret anymore. That she was the reincarnation of Kathias. Also my past life. I took a step backward nearly falling down the stairs. When she used her telepathic abilities to hold me up. It all was coming clear, even Kyran looks similar to me. I asked her if all of Kathias’ reincarnations was similar in appearance. Which Vivica responds yes. That we all are blood shadows of his true form. She grabbed Laza’s hand and the two marched down the basement. I followed. Vivica screamed at Laza for following her back here. That she should have remained in paradise. Away from all of this. Laza responded that she would never leave her mother’s side again. When I interrupted I demanded that they explain what they were talking about. That’s when Vivica told me. That When Laza first showed her power, she was sought out by hundreds of beings from all over creation. Her power was grand and it grew stronger than her own. Vivica explained that she continued to protect her daughter until her one day was killed by demons. Her daughter was sent away to Tantirith for safe keeping. In hopes that she would grow up around others like herself. However, curiosity is the curse of Kathias’ shadow forms. As we all bare the similar sense of adventure. Laza left Tantirith in her second year. In hopes to find her mother. But by this time, Vivica was dead and new family members took over the house. Laza was angry, so she left on her own. With family members searching for her endlessly. She would be found dead in a pool of blood on the front lawn of Karos current home. Unable to cross over to this world from the spirit plane until recently. Her death was a mystery. That is until it was discovered that she was murdered by demons sent by our ancestors. Because she failed to give over her powers to them. At the time, the ancestors did not know that our spirit would continue to be reborn. To protect magic and to ensure that the Balkurians would never rise again. However, when they did found out, Vivica mentions that their work to release the Bringers from their home in Norgard. Would be hundreds of years in the making. Hoping for the one day when someone with enough power would release them. That someone became me. With regret trembling from her words, it was apparent that death at a young age was common in my family. Vivica ended her story with the mention of a failsafe created by the elders of our family. In hopes that such a release would never happen. Unfortunately for us however, that failsafe was the warning in the Book of Sanctuary.

Vivica was sent away by a flashing red light from behind me. When I turned around I saw Kyran standing at the door. Laughing he greeted me as if we were long lost allies. Dressed in black leather from head to toe. It was apparent that he was ready for battle. A battle that was starting downstairs. Flashing lights and rays of energy leeched into the walls. Giant shadows stomped the walls of the library and rushing through the walls. The shadows took over the room. Claws from the group grabbed my lower body and I could not move. As Kyran laughed and pleaded that my life was to be taken. Light spilled into the room and the shadows dispersed. Kyran turned to see it was Laza. She used her magic to transport me to her and there it was. Three of Kathias’ reincarnations were in one room.

“With all the powers in this room, think about what we could achieve if we combined our strength.” Says Kyran.

“We will never join you, Kyran.” I said.

As we attempt to leave the room. Massive hoards of shadows stood on both end of the hallway. Kyran took this chance at attempting to unlock the secrets of the home.

“I use to live in the house shortly after your grandfather left it. I know many of its secrets. However this delicious library remained a secret from me. All the magic and knowledge here, I could take over this world and each realm around it. No one would be able to stop me.” Says Kyran.

“We will never let that happen.” I said.

“You will have no choice.” Says Kyran.

With my telekinesis I threw Kyran across the room. While Laza distracted the shadows. Kyran reformed and attacked me with various elemental attacks. The two of us engaged in a physical match. Using techniques I learned from Kachine during our summer trainings. Kyran appeared to have similar training. As the two connected with blow for blow. His strength was incredible and how he was able to use his magic was with precision. I attempted to match him however I was failing to do so. The door slammed to reveal Laza on the inside holding off the shadows with a light spell around the door. She joined in the fight. The house started to shake. Books from around the library began to glow as the three of us fought. Our magic was connected to each other and I could feel each of their emotions. The books flew off the shelves, creating a whirlwind around us. We were now floating in the air with Laza and I facing off against Kyran. Taking one of the books and pressing it into his body. The book turned to light and disappeared into him. Symbols appeared on his vest and he used massive energy to pin us to the wall. Able to use her left hand. Laza did the same with a floating book near her. A symbol also appeared on her chest and she released herself from the wall. The two engaged in a fight and raced to collect each book they could find. As the two grew much stronger than I. I had no other choice but to follow pursuit. I grabbed books and pressed them into my skin. As cuts appeared over my body. I could feel my blood pumping with black magic allowing me to be stronger. I fell to the floor and to break up the fight I pinned them both to the ground. I then opened the door and banished the shadows. My eyes were gleaming with white light. Which indicated that I was having another episode. A moment with enhanced power. I magically moved us to the foyer. With Laza and Kyran both pinned to the ground. I banished Laza’s spirit back into the spirit world while I issued a powerful blast toward Kyran. He reflected it in time. The two of us engaged again. The house was breaking down around us. I threw him into the nearby wall. He landed into the study. Here he absorbed the books lined along the nearby wall. One of the books happened to be a spell book with spells dedicated to summoning the gods.

“You are in for it now Kyra.” Says Kyran

“What are you up to?” I asked

“You will see.” He said

A summoning ring appeared around him and appeared Xshaun, the God of Magic and the ancestor to all casters. Stricken by age and withered by the woes of a banishment spell. Xshaun’s appearance was at the mercy of Kyran. Of whom revived the god to his former self.

“You remember Xshaun don’t you Kyra.” Says Kyran

“Why would you bring him here? After all that he did to our ancestors.” I said.

“I just merely helped them find their way. Show them how powerful they could be.” Says Xshaun.

“You turned them into foul creatures. Whose thirst for power got them banished and has since cursed this entire family.

“They were destined to overcome the world and the magical community. If things were to have gone my way, your power would be controllable and unstoppable.” Says Xshaun.

“Whatever.” I said as I attempt to blast him with my telekinetic powers. This did nothing to him. He stood there laughing and with a wave of his right hand. I hovered into the air in slow motion and was thrown into a desk in the room.

“Foolish little girl, your mum also had similar anger issues. She was just as foolish as you and was equally as eager to stop me.” Says Xshaun.

Trying to get up I asked him with my final words before I passed out. “You knew my mum?”

Kyran and Xshaun disappeared. Clarissa ran into the room to find me laying on the ground.

Every time I close my eyes I find myself drifting into the dream world. This time was no different. I was back but things have radically changed. Since I left, the darkness has covered this world as it is attempting to do in my world. Rifts have been created to allow access to different realms. Since my disappearance from Dreomede, the dream gods have lost most of their powers. With many of the Croptes falling from the sky like falling angels. I raced to find the dream gods at Ananaka’s castle. Onarosh and Vena were assisting the spirits of the dream world. Touchi and Arikura appear to welcome me back to dream world. With a follow up that their sister has perished in the battle. Stunned by this discovery, I turned to Vena who was healing a wounded dream spirit. She mentions that the war has increased and she and Onarosh has been tasked with protecting the riff to the human world. Having built a camp in front of the riff, the dark spirits have been kept at bay for the time being.

“the dark forces let out by Kyran, has leaked into numerous parts of the many realms.” Says Touchi.

“Kyran must be stopped before he gathers enough power to open the gates of hell and unleashes your ancestors.” Says Arikura.

“My family have split up to protect the gates on Earth.” I said.

“There are replica gates scattered across various realms. Including one gate here which lies dormant beneath these grounds. However, my castle is the protecting force over it.” Says Ananaka.

Loud explosions surround the camp and pieces of boulders slams down on the tents. Spirits flutter into the sky. With many dispersing by dark magic along the way.

“I have to go back to my world. To help bring an end to all of this.” I said to the group.

“The only way to get back is by going through the riff, the original way of getting back is impossible. Too much of Dreomede’s power drained in the attack.” Says Onarosh.

“Okay let’s do this.” I said. Moving outward, we dodged the oncoming attacks from the cloak shadow figures. Kyran’s army was growing stronger in both worlds. I could feel their dark magic rushing through the winds. Their fast moving abilities and agile fighting techniques has allow them to nearly overtaken this place. Ananaka, Touchi, Arikura, Onarosh, Vena, and I move away from the camp and help the spirits to safety. In the process, an attack is made and before I could turn to it. Onarosh jumps in front of me yelling my name. He was struck and perished before my eyes. Angry Vena and I attacked the figures with all of our strength. As we fought, Ananaka used his power to open a cut in the riff. While Touchi and Arikura assisted with the spirits. We manage to push the figures further away from the camp. Vena told me to return to my world to put an end to all of this. As I ran back toward the riff. I disappeared and I appeared back into the real world. Clarissa joined with my mum and sister were sitting at the foot of my bed. Crystals were placed statically throughout the house including inside of my room and around my bed. As I laid up in my bed, I cried into my palm. My mum and Clarissa asked what was wrong. I responded that I was tired and I hate to sleep. Because I only witness pain. Installing in them that I believe I am the reason behind all of the destruction. Their confusion was understood. I responded to state that because I am the reincarnation of Kyran and all of Kathias’ souls prior. I am responsible for everything that is happening. As I am too prone to fall under similar dark magic as Kyran. My mum ensured me that I was different and reminded me that when dark magic tempted me. I only shown that I was too powerful to let the darkness win. Like it has done with Kyran. Her words were exactly what I needed to hear to reinstall my confidence. I got up out of bed, gave her a hug, and left to take a shower.

In the middle of the shower I had memories of Onarosh risking his life for me. Along with my family members having done the same for me prior. With everyone believing that I am the chosen one to stop all of this. I am the only one of my family remaining with blood magic. Which my ancestors want very badly. I could feel someone’s touch on me. As I quickly turned around I paused for a moment and no one was there. I stepped out of the shower and walls were covered in black symbols. Dripping with blood. The blood was like acid as it burned the wall of the bathroom. Screams came out of the walls. Alerting my mum and Clarissa to the bathroom.

“We heard screams, are you okay?” asked my mum.

“Yes I am, it wasn’t me. The screams came from the walls.” I said.

As I turned to the walls, the symbols and the blood were no longer there. My mum and Clarissa looked at me for a moment as if I was going crazy. After everything that has happened I was believing I was.

Downstairs screams were heard again, the ground ripped up and Screechers appeared in a black smoke. My mum ward them off. As Clarissa took Diana upstairs. I ran downstairs to see my mum facing off against the Screechers. In the middle of the attack, Heavy winds pressured the windows with thunder roaring outside our home. Suddenly a flash of light came from the ceiling and a dark figured man floated through it. Clarissa instantly got a bad feeling in the pit of her stomach. She fell to her knees with agony. Diana did not know what to do as she watched on. Meanwhile back downstairs, the dark figured man descends down to the ground and stood hovering in front of us. Looking ever so passionately at my mum. The Screechers stood around the room. I descended to the kitchen where I cut myself. Using a similar removal spell that was used on Laza. The spell was something I picked up from my readings on the Book of Sanctuary. Using my blood to draw a symbol on the kitchen counter I slammed my hand down in the middle of it. This spell allowed me to banish the Screechers. Clarissa tells Diana to wait behind while she inches her way down to see what is happening.

“I see she is getting stronger. I wonder where she gets that power from.” Says Xshaun smiling at my mum.

“Leave her out of this. How the hell did you come back?” says my mum.

“We both know how my darling. It was only a matter of time when.” Says Xshaun.

I didn’t know who he was but from the look on both my mum and Clarissa’s faces I knew they did. He smiled and greeted himself as Xshaun. Instantly I remember that name from the story that I read about the Balkurians. I also remember him from the other day when Kyran brought him back. Whoever he was I could see from the look on my mum’s face that he was a dangerous guy.

“Finally I meet you Kyra, it’s a pleasure” he says bowing his head to me in a formal matter.

“Xshaun” says a frighten Clarissa as she moves backwards.

“What do you want Xshaun?” asks my mum.

“I’m here for Clarissa of course dear Evangeline” he mentions while smiling at them both.

“How do you two know each other?” I ask my mum.

“Oh she didn’t tell you, well I’m not surprise. Your mum and I were once an item when she was a teenager and I pretended to be a teenage boy attending her school. She was a beautiful girl with such a rebellious streak about her. Something I admire about you both.” He says

I took back my breath and held onto the wall. I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. And just like that my mum utter;

“You and I were nothing once I found out what and who you were” she said in tears.

“We were everything until you ran off with that bastard slave Demetri” Xshaun says angrily. With his angry words the flames in the fireplace lit up and the thunder echoed across the skies. He return to his calm demeanor and started to laugh.

“I’m not here for you, but I’m here for Clarissa. So our past is just that” he floats toward Clarissa like a vampire in the night. He grabs her by the neck and apparently with fear in her voice. Clarissa asks,

“Why you want me Xshaun, what is it about me that interests you so much”?

“After all these centuries you still don’t know do you. Have these retched Lazarons concealed your identity for so long that you don’t know what you are. Why you are a Consestus my dear.”

“Stay the hell away from her” hitting him with an energy bolt my mum mutter to Xshaun.

“RUN” my mum yelled at us. We did as she ordered and ran to the basement. We closed the door behind us and could hear all the fighting upstairs.

“What is a Consestus? “ I asked Clarissa. She replied she didn’t know. I turned to the family book and turned the pages until the page of Consestus appeared.

Consestus are casters who specializes in protection magic. Descendants of the Druids, these magical beings are immune to all magic and can pass on such abilities to others that they are in line with. Although they lack various other magic as normal casters do, their protective abilities are said to be the strongest.”

I turned to Clarissa and she stared at me and asked what it all means. I replied I did not know. The fight upstairs stopped, as me and both Clarissa headed to the door. It flew off the hedges and Xshaun appeared at the head of the stairs. Worried about my mum, I had to act quickly. As he descended downward, I used my abilities to repel him back up the stairs. Clarissa and I ran out of the basement and I carried the book with me. I passed by mum who Clarissa and I help up off the floor. The three of us ran up the stairs with an angry Xshaun following behind us in pursuit.

Flying behind us laughing, Xshaun sarcastically states “You can’t escape your destiny, Clarissa my dear”.

As we ran up the stairs we entered into the same ballroom that Clarissa reunited with her parents. We closed the door behind us but it could not stop Xshuan. As I tried to repel him again. He laughed.

“Foolish girl, by helping in bringing the first Balkurian into this world. I cast a spell to allow me immunity to this family’s magic over a duration of time. Once you use your magic on me. The more you use your magic on me the less effect it has on me.”

That surely explained how my mum was beaten. But I could not give up, I tried and tried. But the more I tried the angrier it made him. I began to throw various objects at him using my power. The largest item being the grandfather piano in the corner.

“Enough” he yelled. He begin to obliterate us all until Clarissa stepped forth shielding us with her hands. As his energy bolt clashed against her protective shield. We moved around each other in circular motion until our backs were to the door.

“Give it up Clarissa and just join me. Together our powers can rule this world. It has always been your destiny. Since you was a child I tested you by slaughtering your family. I knew neither one of them had the power. But as I went for you, you protected yourself with a shield of magic that night. I left you hoping to have you grow up and enhance your power. But instead these Lazarons took you in and made you even weaker. But no use, your mine now and no one shall stop our power.”

As I listened to the story he was telling, I knew I couldn’t let him take Clarissa. I begged and pleaded to Clarissa to run but Clarissa insisted on us retaining our distance. Mentioning that her magic is the only magic that can stop him.

“But Clarissa the book said you don’t have other form of magic, you can’t vanquish him with just protection magic” I shouted to her.

With my mum also pleading with Clarissa. Clarissa turned her head to us. As Xshaun threw us to the wall in the hall. We were pinned unable to move. We could see it all from a distance.

“I may not have much magic but I can at least vanquish you.” Says Clarissa as Xshaun laughs at the thought.

With her eyes turning a shining gray color, a radiance of white light surrounded Clarissa. She touched Xshaun on the arm while still blocking his attacks with her other hand. She turned to us one last time and smiled. Her head tilted back.

“You can’t vanquish me I’m a god” a frighten Xshaun yells.

“Even gods must die” says Clarissa. Before the act could be followed out, Xshaun says that without Clarissa her protective magic cannot stop what is coming. A white light engulf the room and the two were vanquished.

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