Ivory Snow
Chapter 4

It took the royal family half an hour to cross the distance to their private beach. Every minute of it was filled with the soft laughter of the Princess. Her gentle laugh had them all feeling buoyant and erased the King’s fears.

Upon arriving, Ivory leapt off her father’s back, before he had time to lower for her. His wolf gave an amused grumble, which brought her back to him.

Ivory stood in front of him and lowered her forehead to his. “Thank you for the ride, papa.”

She quickly scratched behind his ears and then skipped over to her mother, who was shifting back already.

The guards took up position within the tree line, allowing the royal family to have some privacy. Half of them stayed in wolf form, while the other half shifted back to human. They spread out to cover the entire cove, every other one in human form.

The cove had been picked by generations past because it was easily defendable for the guards. It was shaped like a half moon, with large natural rock walls separating them from the world. On the final side, was the vast ocean.

Ivory found the spot she wanted, and laid out a large quilt, made by her royal grandmother. For now, she left the food enclosed in the basket, keeping the sand, seagulls, and ants away.

Most females her age probably would have been bored with this by now, but Ivory loved it. Her parents did their best to make time for her every day; however, they were in charge of an entire kingdom. They had important responsibilities.

This was the one day a year they would not be interrupted.

While her parents got settled, Ivory ran straight into the Ocean, diving over a large wave. Even though they had seen her do this hundreds of times, both the King and Queen’s hearts stopped for a moment in fear. They only started again when Ivory stood up, soaked to the bone, and grinning ear to ear.

They had tried repeatedly to have more pups. The Queen had gotten pregnant three times after Ivory. She would have been such a good big sister.

Unfortunately, it was not meant to be.

Two of them never made it full term. The last, a male pup, died within hours of his birth. He nearly took his mother with him. The King insisted no more after that. He and Ivory needed her. She could not leave them yet.

Ivory was only five years old when her brother died. She had still been too young to understand it all, but her parents and those in the kingdom understood perfectly.

It was widely assumed that this was why they were even more careful with Ivory. The family let this story grow as it was something easier for everyone to accept and understand.

Most people would not be as understanding if they knew it was actually Ivory that preferred to stay hidden from the world.

Ivory was very much like her mother with not caring to roam far. She was happiest within the walls of her home and the kitchen. She knew one day that would have to change.

In fact, she had a feeling that time had come.

Her party had been so well attended because it was the first time the majority had seen her since she was a small pup. Now, she was preparing to enter female hood, leaving her pup years behind her.

She would have to start traveling with her parents soon. The idea of exploring intrigued her. But not enough to pull her out just yet.

Soon she would have to begin attending to duties befitting a Princess. While Ivory did enjoy meeting so many people, and she had fun dancing at the party, she was also very much like her father. She wasn’t overly fond of doing that often. Ivory loved spending her time with her loved ones.

The family swam together in the water, the females ganging up on the King and splashing him at every opportunity.

The King was stronger though, he lifted each of them over a shoulder, carried them further out, and then dropped them both unceremoniously into the water.

Eventually, they made their way back to shore and took a break.

Maria served their lunch, simple sandwiches, grapes, and the apple turnovers.

Alex was thrilled. He absolutely loved the new desserts. He said that he could now take apple pie with him on his trips. He had tried many pies in his younger years, but his females always made the best.

After they finished their lunch, Ivory stared out at the ocean, feigning indifference as her parents spoke.

This was something she had always done.

She learned early on that adults were more likely to speak freely in front of you if they thought you weren’t paying any attention to them. Or at least speak vaguely, which was a big bright sign saying the topic would be more interesting than normal. Most adults sucked at it.

The King and Queen did not.

They just didn’t care as much. They knew Ivory would internalize everything and not speak freely to others about whatever it was. Either that or they honestly had no idea she was eavesdropping on them.

Normally, it wasn’t hard for Ivory to avoid any reaction to what they said. If she reacted, then adults stopped talking. This time was different. As their conversation turned toward her long-lost aunt, Ivory fought the urge to turn and ask a thousand questions.

Her aunt was so pretty. Ivory wanted to know more about her.

Why did she stay away for so long?

Why did her father not like her?

Why did she miss her own parents’ funeral?

All these and many more.

She had listened to her parents discuss her aunt during dinner last night, after the eternal line of greeters and well-wishers had ended.

Instead of appeasing her curiosity, however, it only fed the flames.

Ivory debated on asking more questions about her aunt and the odd male, who she still believed was her aunt’s mate. But her parents quickly moved on to another subject, knowing they would not agree on this one.

The next subject was about taxes or some other financial thing that Ivory did not find as interesting.

She set her plate to the side and stood up. “I’m going to walk along the wall. Do you mind?”

“No, sweetheart. But please be careful. Those waves have been awfully high today, the rocks might be slippery.”

Ivory tipped her head in a slight bow and smiled. “I will, don’t worry so much.” She teased her mother.

Both Ivory and Alex laughed while Maria stuck her tongue out at them.

Ivory started walking away, then decided to run back and give them both a kiss on the cheek. She didn’t know why, she just felt like it.

“What is that for?” Alex asked in the tone that all father’s got when their teenage pups were extra sweet for no apparent reason.

Ivory laughed. “Because I love you. And thank you for letting us come. I know you were worried about it. I feel like we don’t spend enough time together, so thank you.”

Alex jaw dropped in shock, he had not mentioned his worries in front of her.

“What makes you think I was worried?”

Ivory smirked and raised a hand toward where she knew the guards would be.

“Why else would Uncle Richard and so many others be here with us, papa? Plus, you were a little crazy last night, practically locking me in my room!” Ivory scoffed at the end and rolled her eyes.

She was only teasing him of course. It was her duty after all to make her King of a father lighten up. It was for the good of the whole kingdom, really.

Maria pressed her lips together, trying to fight the smile. Alex saw it, laughed at himself, and poked his mate in the side for once again teaming up against him.

Before meeting her, he had been under the impression that mates were supposed to always be on your side. How wrong he was. And he wouldn’t change a minute of any of it.

Ivory skipped down to where the wall began, humming along the way.

A few minutes later, the Queen decided to take a walk along the shore, while the King sat back on his elbows, his legs stretched out in front, and ankles crossed, watching the two females he loved most in the world enjoy the fresh air and the freedom.

Ivory was right, they hadn’t spent much time together. Maybe they should find a way to do this more often. Once a week would not work, but maybe he could swing once a month.

He smiled to himself, remembering the long nights he spent in the kitchen with first Maria, watching her move, in awe. And then later with both her and Ivory.

When was the last time he spied on them baking?

Captain Richards kept one eye on the family and one eye into the forest. Everything was peaceful. There were no signs that made him think there was a threat. The only reason he didn’t argue with his King, besides the obvious of course, was because Alex had never been one to worry without cause.

Richard laughed as he heard Alex holler at Ivory to be careful. Richard watched as the Daredevil Princess leaned down, looking over the edge of the wall. The young female had always been fascinated by sea life. Nor did she scare easily.

Okay, so maybe there was one, or two, things that would cause Alex to worry without cause. But wasn’t loving someone cause enough?

Richard spun around suddenly, hearing hurried footsteps coming from the North.

The wolf next to him growled and lowered his head, preparing for an attack. The male stepped out of the trees with his hands raised in the air.

“Who are you? Why are you here? No one is allowed in this area!” Captain Richard demanded.

The male, huffing and puffing, laid his hands on his knees. “My name is Dale. I am the advisor to the Countess, Ava. The Queen’s older sister.”

I saw him last night, the wolf next to him said through their shared link. He was indeed with the Queen’s sister. My mate and I were behind them in the greeting line.

Richard nodded his head and acted as though he was the one who remembered them. It was not widely known that the King’s guards could communicate telepathically. It was a wonderful tool that Mother Nature gave to those extra special warriors, so they could be more efficient in their jobs.

Normally it was only mates that could speak like that, and that was only if one of them was in wolf form. As far as he knew anyway. Richard had yet to find a mate.

“I remember. Yes. That still doesn’t explain why you are here.” Richard may not know this male personally, but he did remember Ava.

At one time, he tried to convince Alex to choose her. And then he saw her stepping out of a group of trees in the garden with one of the other guards, fixing her dress. He never brought her up again to Alex. In fact, he had been a little wary of Maria at first because they were sisters. He had never been so happy to be wrong.

“Not long after you left, we received word that there are rogues in the area.” Dale pointed South, the opposite direction of the castle and village. “Others have already been sent out to stop them. But Ava was worried about the safety of her family. The rogues are not far from here.”

Richard shook his head. “The rogues have not attacked for many years. They are peaceful in this area.”

Dale shook his head even more emphatically. “You don’t understand, these rogues are not from this area. The witness who came to the castle, asking for help, said these ones were nearly feral. They are from a different kingdom, a different area. They are destroying anything that comes in their way, and they are headed straight this way. Everyone knows the royal family comes out here alone. Every year.”

Richard looked behind him, the royal family was still safe and at peace. If a war was coming, this would be the last chance they got.

“Thank you for the warning. We will watch closely.”

“No!” Dale closed his eyes and willed himself to calm down. “You need to help. Our people are being slaughtered. They need all the help they can get. I will stay and watch over the family. I will get anyone that gets by you.”

Richard thought carefully. He didn’t trust this male. But he was right. It was his job to protect everyone, not just the royals. He had left good males in charge while he was gone for the day, but they would still need his help. Most of them had not battled a feral wolf before.

I will stay with him. I do not trust a wolf I do not know.

Thank you. Be safe.

“Fine. But this wolf will stay with you. If anyone gets past us, you will need his help.”

Dale would have preferred they all go but pushing that would endanger his plans. Ava was counting on him.

“I would appreciate the help.” He responded, carefully eyeing the wolf, and deciding on the best way to kill him.

A moment later, the Captain and the other guards took off towards the rogues.

Richard decided against warning the royal family. They typically only had two wolves guarding them anyway, and nothing had happened so far. Maybe Alex had been on to something, his fear and these rogues coming were an interesting coincidence. Richard feared warning them would ruin their day together.

Dale paced back and forth, looking between the royals, the wolf, and the forest.

“I am feeling antsy. I am going to shift. My wolf will feel more comfortable being in control.”

The wolf nodded once. That was common. In times of danger, wolves preferred to be on the front lines.

Dale didn’t even wait a full minute after shifting before he attacked the guard. It was quick, the guard hadn’t even seen it coming until it was too late.

He howled loud enough though that the King, who was closest to them, snapped his head up.

Dale would have to move fast to get to the Queen before the King got there. The pup was too far, he would have to take care of her another day. She was young, that would be easy.

Dale ran as fast as he could, headed straight for the Queen, who happened to be on the other side of the cove, bending over to pick up a shell.

Dale focused on her alone, his target.

He did not see the King shifting and already headed his way.

Run, Maria! Alex yelled, making her jump and turn. Run onto the wall with Ivory, now!

Maria spun around and saw the large gray wolf, his jaw widening. She froze in fear, her body not listening to the promptings to move.

Ivory, who had been splashing back and forth with the dolphins, heard the growling and quickly stood back up, nearly losing her balance. She watched as her father’s wolf jumped in front of her mother.

Just in time for the jaws to clamp down onto his chest.

She and her mother both screamed at the same time.

Maria’s body was torn between falling to the ground to hold her dying mate and running to protect her pup.

The mother’s instincts won.

She turned on her heels, her shift beginning, and started to run. She barely made it to the first few rocks, before she felt the sharp teeth sliding into her stomach and back.

Maria’s eyes were glued to Ivory, fearing what would happen to her daughter next.

Ivory, wanting to help, knowing there wasn’t anything she could do, began running to her mother. Her right foot slipped on moss at the same time a large wave came over the left. She screamed as she was knocked to the ground, her head fell onto one of the pointed rocks on the edge.

Maria tried to yell out Ivory’s name as her own eyes grew dark.

Ivory mumbled “mama,” as another wave came from the left and pushed her teetering body over the edge and into the treacherous waters. The last thing she saw was the grey wolf standing over her dead parents, blood dripping from his jaws.

Dale watched as the pup sank into the ocean. He waited as long as he dared, making sure she did not come back up.

The sweet scent of her blood was unmistakable. He saw her eyes shut just seconds before she went over. An unconscious pup in those angry waves. She was as good as dead.

He inspected his prey. He wasn’t supposed to kill the King, but he also couldn’t bring himself to be sorry about it.

The female was dead. He caught her before she had finished shifting, causing her to revert back. Her human body had been unable to handle the impact of his canines.

The King’s wolf, however, was still battling with labored breath. Ava would want Dale to save him. She was not going to be happy about this. But it was better the threat be taken care of completely.

Dale shifted to his human form and leaned over the purple wolf. With his bare human hands, he broke the King’s neck.

With one more quick check of the shore, still no sign of the Princess, Dale shifted back to his wolf and took off running, making only one small stop to grab his clothes with his teeth.

He ran back to the castle, put on the now bloody clothes, and took a secret passageway Ava had shown him.

She would forgive him for killing the King, especially once she got a look at all the blood.

She loved it when he was covered in blood.

Besides, he already had a plan on how to help her win the crown from Duke Andrew. It wouldn’t be hard at all.

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