Planet Redeem: Class A Prison World

Caleb had lost count of the days he had spent in the isolated sub levels of Redeem. He had thought isolation was a blessing at first. But then the days dwindled by, and the loneliness was starting to hit him hard. There was a plus side to his predicament, which was a much larger area, to practice all the attack sequences that had been drilled into him, at the Advanced Training Academy. He had considered trying to climb down the sheer drop from the platform he was on. But it had been polished as smooth as glass. It appeared to get smaller and smaller into a cone shape as it descended into who knew what. It was not worth the risk.

Instead he bided his time, and trained his body as close to exhaustion, as he was capable of. He had just finished the fiftieth sequence, stopping dead still holding the final posture, when he felt a presence behind him. He would have heard, if anyone had dropped onto the platform with him, so it could be only one person.

He turned to look at the old master who had no doubt ascended to come and meet with him. But what faced him was not the aging master.

Caleb hid his surprise from the unexpected visitor. An angelic form whose aura burned bright stood before him. His long golden hair was tied into a tight top knot and secured with a silver thread. The ears of this stranger were pointy and his almond shaped eyes sparkled an emerald green.

They were kind eyes, but were nothing like any person Caleb had seen before. Perhaps this person was another genetically modified experiment. He would find out if the kind face belonged to a friend or foe.

‘How long have you been watching me?’ The white robes of Caleb’s visitor, swept across the floor, as he approached him, with a grace akin to the nobility of Earth.

‘I have been here long enough to realise that as well as having a powerful mind, you also seem to be quite a formidable warrior. My name is Tanandil.’

The stranger spoke with a slight accent that Caleb could not place. His voice was melodic and soothing to the ear. This may have been to his long isolated imprisonment; it was a joy to hear never the less.

‘It is good to make your acquaintance Tanandil. I hope you don’t mind me saying that you do not look like anyone I have ever met before, and I have met some strange men indeed.’

‘I do not mind you saying at all. Your kind have always seemed very strange to me as well.’

Tanandil’s smile mirrored Caleb’s. ‘What do you mean my kind?’

Caleb finally asked the inevitable question. ‘As you can tell I am not human.’

Tanandil said, still smiling.

‘I am of a race of beings, called the Elfan. I have been watching you for a while now; I was there the last time you dream walked. The fact that your race is capable of this feat was impressive.’

‘You’re an Alien?’

‘That is a crude term for my noble people, but yes I am an alien, as you are to me.’

Caleb tensed slightly to this information, unsure whether this being wished to harm him. The alien must have sensed this and raised both palms in a peaceful gesture.

‘I wish you no harm young one; I only desire to help you out of your predicament.’

‘Why? I don’t mean to be rude but I have been a bit short of friend lately.’

‘I understand your surprise and suspicion, especially in your circumstances. But you are right to assume that my help is not entirely unselfish. We may be able to help each other.’

In his current circumstances Caleb could be no help to anyone. He would listen to this Tanandil anyway. What choice did he really have? Inside he marvelled at the very idea of meeting an intelligent being from another world. His training however, always made him cautious to any possible threat and this situation definitely qualified as a possible threat.

‘Let us sit and talk awhile, Tanandil. I must confess I would be lying if I said I did not have questions.’ For such a young man Caleb had always been quite commanding, and led naturally, Tanandil seemed amused by this direct nature and sat dutifully opposite the remarkable young human.

‘If you are an alien, you look extremely similar to us.’

‘Yes, there are many races in this Galaxy that bare the resemblance of our bipedal forms, to one extreme or another. Our peoples are closely related actually. But that is a tale for another time. As you probably already know, leaving our bodies for a long time can be quite taxing on our physical forms.’

‘Yes that is true. You have stayed with me for longer than I could have. Where are you on the planet?’

Whether this visitor was an alien or not, it still impressed Caleb that he could ascend from outside the prison to where he was and for so long.

‘I am not on this planet. My world is far from here and I now sit in a room that helps me channel my thoughts to distances such as this.’

Caleb sat open mouthed at this extraordinary feat of mind travel. He thought he had been outstanding by leaving his cell. If this Tanandil spoke the truth, then it was quite amazing.

‘I don’t know why, but I believe you. My name is Caleb Bruce.’

‘I know; I touched your mind, after your last ascension. I apologize for this uninvited intrusion. But I had to know if a being as powerful as you are, was pure of soul and mind.’

Caleb did not like that at all. He had felt something in his dreams after his last ascension. But he was so exhausted; he could not remember much of it. This was strange in itself as he had a photographic memory even in his dreams.

‘Don’t you think you should ask to enter another person’s mind?’ Caleb said with sudden steel in his voice.

Tanandil bowed his head in what seemed to be further apology.

‘I had to be sure; you were not tainted by evil. Once I touched your mind I knew you were not. I would not normally enter a mind unknowingly.’

‘Then why did you?’ The Elf gestured at their surroundings.

‘Because you are being held captive as a prisoner; I know now of the injustice you have born, and I think we could help each other.’

Caleb nodded in understanding. If he saw a prisoner, he would assume he was bad to the core. He would remember not to judge someone too quickly in future.

‘Fair enough Tanandil, fair enough. So I can think of the obvious way you can help me. What service could I possibly perform for someone like you?’

Tanandil was starting to tire from being away from his body for so long. Even he had his limits. But he had a while yet to recruit this human.

He told him his tale. From his people’s rich and prosperous beginnings, to their eventual undoing at the hands of the Orkra hoards. He eventually concluded the story with the recent discovery of the Orkra by Caleb’s people, and the following confrontation that ensued. Finally he told of humans being kept prisoner, in conditions far worse than the prison world Caleb was on.

Caleb listened in stunned silence to this Tanandil, who had brought him the first news of home since coming here. That news did not sound good at all. He felt excitement at first, to learn that humanity was not alone in the galaxy. But why had this being, come all the way to the prison world of Redeem, to tell a young boy this news?

‘Why me?’ He asked simply.

‘We need allies Caleb and you could be a very powerful one.’

‘Then why not go to Earth and ask for their help in exchange for yours?’

Caleb countered quickly.

‘Very rarely, does a being as powerful as you, come into existence. I count myself as one of those powerful beings. Your Current leader on Earth has made great steps to take your people to the stars. He has also done well uniting your war like race. But remember, I have touched your thoughts young Caleb, and I know what you are.’

The Elfan said intensely.

‘Oh... and what am I?’

‘You are the leader of your people. You were made for this, and I don’t think even your creators know the full scale of your potential. It humbles me to say that your physical and mental gifts could be even greater than my own, and I am quite special myself I should add.’

Caleb liked the easy manner of this Tanandil. He had suffered greatly at the hands of the unknown killer of his parents. He would have helped this alien anyway, if it had meant an opportunity to take revenge on the people that had done this to him.

‘You do appear to be great, I will concede that.’

Caleb looked around the high vaulted ceiling, of his expansive underground cell. Some kind of glow worm like creatures inhabited the wet rocky surface high above that cast the cavernous cell with mock star light, from their Bioluminescent bodies. It was quite beautiful really. But he would not miss this place even for them.

‘What do you want me to do Tanandil?’

The Elf stood tall and cast an approving look at him.

‘I want you to lead your people. By the time you are free, the damage may already be done. But you must rally what’s left and join the Elfan in the extermination of the Orkra; before they exterminate us all.’

His Aura was beginning to fade and Tanandil held on for a second more.

‘I will come for you Caleb, and once you are liberated, I will instruct you in my arts if you wish.’ Caleb always knew deep down, that he would lead. All he had wanted when his father was alive was to be a valued member of the Elite Guard, and one day maybe Captain of the Guard.

He was now being presented with an opportunity to live up to that potential, his creators had invested into him. If leading his people from certain extinction, was a price he would have to pay for his freedom, then he would take it willingly.

‘I accept your offer Tanandil of the Elfan; and your instruction. Once I am free of this place I will ally myself and all who will join with me to your cause. I only ask two conditions if I may.’

‘Name them.’

‘I wish to free the captives from this Orkra. It would be a good opportunity to observe them I think and free Earths soldiers from their suffering.’

‘I will willingly help that endeavour. I have met one of your people there already, they do not look well.’

Caleb was glad he had agreed to this. He wanted to see with his own eyes, just what sort of enemy humanity faced. The thought also disgusted him that his own kind, would be captives to the foul sounding creatures.

‘My other condition is once we have cleansed Earth of aggressors, I want revenge on the men that have done this to me and my family. Then I will help you Tanandil.’

He was silent for a while, considering this request of a revenge that had no consequence or benefit to the Elfan. He nodded consent. The alliance would be worth it, he decided.

‘Agreed; I will return to you soon.’

The Elfan gradually disappeared from view, as quickly as he appeared, leaving only Caleb and the Glow worms in the depths of Redeems vast dungeon.


Earth: City of Geneva, The Science Guild

There was energy in the lab today. Edward Black should have been meeting with the Lords of Earth, and her colonies. But there was more pressing matters to attend to today.

Dealing with the complexity of world government or other valuable resources had been one of the Presidents great successes. He had brought prosperity to Earth by sharing the wealth with all. However there was always some, that were never happy with their lot and he would use the Watch, his dedicated spy network to seek out the greedy and corrupt, who would be crushed by the administrations many arms of justice.

Black’s true love was in the Lab; coming up with new technologies with the greatest minds of the Science Guilds.

Before he had taken power of Earth, humanity had worked only for the gain of themselves. Companies would hoard their wealth and the greatest scientific minds, including inventors, would work alone. They guarded their discoveries, and patented them in order to gain more wealth.

When he was fully established he funded as many of the greatest people that the world had to offer and placed them in guilds of excellence. Black had a guild for everything, including artistry to medicine. Patents were banned. To make a name for yourself, people that were the best in their field joined a guild and were looked after handsomely if they achieved within its ranks.

Black’s regime was a kind of layered communism. If you succeed in your chosen occupation then your rewards could be high. Even the best cleaners were advanced if they showed promise and excellence in their trade.

All creation or wealth was shared with all of humanity, and an elitist culture was formed under the many guilds that Black had encouraged and was patron to. The hardest thing for Earths greatest leader was not to come up with the ideas and strategies for prosperity. No; the biggest challenge had been to have the population except his ideas. After all they could only work if Blacks electorate supported his policies.

In the early days, it had been difficult to make people see that what he did for them was for the betterment of mankind. He hoped they appreciated the hard work, and brutal choices he had to make throughout his reign. He doubted that many would. His people for all their brilliance were greedy in nature.

That was why, as well as starting the Guilds of Excellence, he also founded the Regiments of Earth, who were Blacks military and enforcers. Later the Regiments expanded to other planets and colonies. They were an effective tool for Black, if ever he met resistance. Such was the way for peace.

They were formed on the same principles as the Guilds. He would put excellence together and distribute talented people to a Regiment that most suited that person.

If that person was big strong and stubborn they would normally be placed in the famous Regiment 1, who were Earths Shock troopers. Or if you were mechanically minded you may be placed with Regiment 6, who worked very closely with the civilian Guild of engineers. Or those good with maps and stealth were placed in Regiment 10 who worked on occasion with the spy network of the Watch.

The Elite Guard, were the cream above all of the Regiments and stood alone as Body Guards to the President. Most of them like Master Kam had been selected as children or at birth. The genetically enhanced were given priority over others, due to their superior abilities. Black had assisted in creating some of the greatest men that had gone through the ranks of his personal guard.

The crown jewel of them all had been Dorn Bruce. He doubted he had ever seen a greater warrior and protector, as that man was. Was... he still could not believe his friend and protector was gone. He certainly didn’t think it possible for any man to be able to kill this master of combat and strategy.

He was now going over and over his greatest ever work, and struggled to hide his frustration that he must now start over again. Caleb had only lived for 17 years, which seemed like a blink of an eye to Black. But the boy would have been perfect to take humanity into a new era, of prosperity and peace.

He sat at a very clean stainless steel desk, at the centre of the lab, where he was looking over the genetic data of possible candidates to take over. It seemed only prudent, as if he did ever lose his life or decide to step down, there would be a large power vacuum and war.

He was joined by the head of the Science Guild, Dr Tobias Slade who was privy to all but a few of Blacks discoveries. Guy Kruger, his new Captain of the Elite Guard stood sentinel at the labs single entrance, clad in brightly polished golden armour that was the symbolic colour, of the Captain of the President’s bodyguard. He conducted an over watch of the lab; even though no threat could get within a mile of the building. The security outside the entrance of the facility was formidable enough to crush any threat after all.

One day, Black would share with humanity all of his discoveries. The people were not ready for eternal life just yet. He still had more work to do, to create a leader, and figurehead that was strong enough to rule over the gifted ones that would benefit from his genetic gifts; and expand among the galaxy.

Dr Slade made another suggestion to him.

‘Look at this potential pairing Edward. The father of the potential creation is one of the best, in this very Science Guild. The potential mother could be a perfect balance to this candidate; she is an exceptional woman, who is our representative leader in the Alpha Centauri system. At only 28 she has made the Star System flourish. Her Genome is quite a specimen.’

Not many people would dare call President Black by his first name, but the Dr had been one of his few actual friends for a very long time. Dorn Bruce also once enjoyed that friendship with him.

‘I don’t know Tobias; the mix of a good leader and scientist would produce a great mind. But I need a candidate that will excel at war as well as peace.’

Dr Slade frowned. He was always so anti-war and violence. Black knew, that to lead a whole race you must have many skills, as well as a good mind. War was an essential weapon to maintain peace, unfortunately.

If a leader was weak, it was only a matter of time before they were challenged. His replacement must be strong, or his life’s work would count for nothing.

‘How about we use Captain Kruger over there?’

Said Dr Slade quietly, so he would be out of earshot from the brooding Captain, whose cold blue eyes always made Slade feel uneasy.

‘Surely he is your best warrior, in the current circumstances. Would his seed not grow into something special, if we joined his specimen with the leader of the Alpha Centauri system? After we have worked our magic the new candidate would be quite formidable.’

Black shook his head and rubbed his aching temples.

‘No; current circumstances will not force me into making a rash decision. We will wait for the right candidates if we have to Tobias. We will keep looking my friend.’

Black stood from the sterile desk.

‘It pains me but I must take my leave of you Dr, to carry out other duties that are no less laborious.’

‘I will keep looking then Mr President.’

Slade replied and returned his attention back to his work. Black left the laboratory reluctantly. The planet and colonies did not run themselves without him, after all.

Kruger opened the doors that hissed open, and they made their way back to the Presidential Palace with a retinue of Guardsmen in their wake.

‘Is everything all right Mr President?’

Kruger asked in his gravelly voice.

Black had been deep in thought unable to stop thinking about Caleb Bruce. Technically they could clone him. But Black would only do this as a last resort. They had one sample of Caleb’s genome, and he would use it wisely. Making something as complex as Caleb, had not been easy. A clone might not have half the potential as the original.

‘Yes Guy, I am just stressed at the moment.’

‘I can imagine Sir’

Black doubted it, but nodded anyway. ‘Guy, do you know of anyone, with psychic abilities within the Guard that could rival Caleb Bruce’s.’

It was well know that the President had tried to unlock psychic abilities in humanity. He could perform minor feats of the mind himself. But the gift of ascending was rare, and still mysterious, even to Black.

‘There’s nobody in the Guard anymore, who could rival Dorn’s boy.’

Black had always wanted to start a Guild of Psychic’s, but there were never enough people to claim a whole guilds worth.

’Do you remember Master Tong, Guy?

Kruger knew Tong very well; He had been his Master as a child, before Dorn Bruce took over. Tong had never liked him though, and would always punish his disobedience with a ruthlessness that was expected in the Guard. He had been very happy, when Tong was removed from service, after the massacre he was involved in. Kruger had been told by Defoe, that he was now on a prison colony somewhere. He hopped it was the cruel place like the one he had sent the boy to.

‘Yes I remember him well enough sir.’

‘Do you recall that he had psychic powers, greater than anyone ever known? He even taught Master Kam and Caleb’s mother Jessica his arts, did he not? Then Kam and Jessica Bruce, passed on that knowledge to Caleb.’

‘I was not aware Sir.’

Tong had tried to teach Kruger the arts of ascension, but he had not the skill or patience for it.

‘I need a Psychic Guy; I would like to study them again if possible.’

Black took out a palm sized data tablet, from his white lab coat pocket; he liked to wear one, when at the Science Guild facility. He tapped the screen a few times and brought up a person’s face.

‘Master Tong had a son Guy; I want you to get someone to bring him to me, so I may assess his abilities.’

Kruger knew of Tongs son, who had disappeared after his father’s removal. It would not be hard to find him, with the resources he had at his disposal. But before that; he would visit an old rival who might know where Tongs son was.

‘I’ll put someone on it right away sir. I’ll also make some of my own enquiries.’

‘Thank you Guy.’ Black said gratefully.

‘You’re welcome sir.’

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