Basket of Cupcakes -
The Woodland Witch’s
Came a loud thunderous shout from Uhl the giant. “They don’t eat my stew! They have gone and hurt my feelings again!” Uhl was a massive giant who had probably never had a bath a day in his life. His smell would present itself far before he even entered a room. He wore tattered trousers that looked like they were made from sacks, nothing more.
His teeth were all shades of yellow and brown and his nose protruded like a huge melon stuck to his face. He had the brain of a child and threw tantrums like a spoilt babe that did not get its way.
He poked at the large cage Ethan and Claire was locked up in that hung from a high wooden ceiling. Claire threw the bowl into his face which made Uhl even more furious. “Hilda!” He sounded like he wanted to desperately cry which made Claire quite pleased with herself.
Ethan shook his head and rolled his eyes but really was enjoying watching Uhl get worked up.
They had learnt to hold onto the bars tight whenever he banged at the cage. The first time they were knocked off their feet and went flying all over the cage. Ethan still had a sprained foot because of it.
Stop upsetting our dinner.” Hissed a voice from the distance. She glided into the room with eery calm. Her spindly arthritic legs could be seen poking out from under her tattered black gown like an old spider. Her voice was gravelly and jagged teeth would be seen thru her sinister grin. Her face showed much signs of time decay and her hair was knotted and matted. She soared straight up to the cage and grinned as she poked her vulturous nose into the bar gaps.
“Oh come now children,” she hissed,
“One must eat to be healthy and plump.” She exaggerated as she stuck her bloodless spindly finger into Claire’s tummy.
“You wouldn’t like making my sweet Uhl angry. He has been known to crush the bones of children into a powder with one hand.”
She said flashing with cruelty.
She hovered back down and returned with two bowls of freshly made chicken stew.
“Uhl’s been a bit busy learning some of his culinary skills. Snake and lizards are his favourites. But here, I have prepared some nice chicken soup for you.” She sounded almost kind until she hissed out, “Eat!” in a most violent manner.
Claire and Ethan knew by now that Hilda was not a creature to disagree with. They both took the bowls with shakey palms and started to eat. It was quite tasty if they had to say so themselves. But anything will be tasty after days of not eating.
“Now there are good children.” Hilda jeered as she sunk back to ground level, satisfied that she could smell the terror on Ethan and Claire.
“Come, Uhl, I found a few playmates for you. Try to keep them alive for longer this time. It is hard finding you, friends.” She said as let Uhl out. The room they were in was the largest kitchen they had ever seen. Pots and pan’s lied around that had never been washed. Flies and worms crawled over all the wooden countertops and the smell of rot and decay filled the air.
When they left, Claire started to sob.
“No one’s going to come to get us Ethan, you know that right? I wish we never went to Kiki’s dumb gathering, we would not be stuck in this horrible place.” Claire said between sobs.
“Oh Claire bear, we will find a way to get out of this place, just be strong. Never give up.” Ethan said and winced with pain as he tried to get up.
“There has to be a key lying around and that fool of a giant seems easy enough to trick.”
He said as he looked around to find some hope of escape. They hung precariously right in the middle of the large ceiling that was strewn with holes and looked as if it were about to collapse. If one miraculously did get the lock open, a fall from that height was sure to spell out instant death. It all seemed hopeless.
Meanwhile, Kiki and the gang were soaring up in the heavens making their way towards the dreaded woodland witches. Oh, it was an experience they could never truly describe. Each one sat with the lover bodies firmly tucked under Kaida’s scale which held onto them surprisingly tight to prevent falling.
Victoria, being protective as she was and just couldn’t get out of babysitter mode sat close to Kiki holding onto her with dear life. Ada and Geordie sat directly in front of Ben.
For Ada and Kiki, flying was the best thing they’ve ever experienced. For Geordie, he buried his head in his arms thru the whole flight.
The cuppies, or fairies now, sat up front on Kaida’s neck, blasting passing birds with fairy dust and giggle at the way they sneezed and toppled this way and that in the sky. Ben felt like a boy again. He’d never felt this alive before. It was clear Kiki’s sense of adventure was not just inherited from her mum. It was so good to feel the sun on their cheeks after such a long time as the soared above the treetops. For a bit of fun, Kaida took them above the clouds and there, time seemed to stop. It took much logical self-talk from Kiki and Ada to prevent themselves from diving into the fluffy mounds. As Kaida descended he started to slow down. Below them, they spotted a hefty chunk of the forest that appeared to contrast the rest of its surroundings. The trees were dry as a bone as if parched from thirst. The earth was dry and the blackness seemed to amass the most here making the land crawl with a wickedly sinister impression.
Kaida landed on the border where they were well hidden within the thick foliage that surrounded the evil land.
Geordie kissed the ground as he got the beast, it took him some time to gain his balance.
Kiki and Ada were still reeling from the excitement until they caught sight of Victoria and their jaws dropped.
Victoria’s hair looked as though she may have been electrocuted on the way. It stood up in a bushy tangle. She was completely unaware of this and looked back at the girls in baffled confusion.
She asked.
“Oh nothing at all!” replied Kiki.
“It’s your hair,” Said Ada, “it’s in a muddle.” She continued as she held back a chuckle.
“Oh, dear!”
Cried Victoria, trying desperately to straighten it. For Victoria, nothing could be more of a tragedy than her being seen with messy hair.
The time had come to save Claire and Ethan.
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