Explore The Recently Added Fantasy Novels
caged and broken (first draft)
21 Chapters -
Experiment Number One
25 Chapters -
24 Chapters -
Blood Trials
19 Chapters -
Everyone Forgets the Beginning (BattleR Saga Story 1)
13 Chapters -
The Aperios (Children of the Sun Book 4)
26 Chapters -
Tales of Midbar: Religious Intolerance
67 Chapters -
Chloe At Worlds' End
13 Chapters -
Salvation Earth
15 Chapters -
The Return to Irithara (Children of the Sun Book 2)
36 Chapters -
Halcyon's Wake: Faith
25 Chapters -
Fifth Avenue
30 Chapters -
How to Cure a Vampire Bite without Losing Your Mind
22 Chapters -
Skyreign: Forgotten World
55 Chapters -
Lux Locus: The First Awakening
10 Chapters -
The Main Character
17 Chapters -
Spirit Unbreakable
31 Chapters -
10 Chapters -
The Cello
20 Chapters -
Fifth Avenue - The Replacements
24 Chapters -
The Luna Destiny
40 Chapters -
A Machine Called Earth
43 Chapters -
Cynetic Wolf
76 Chapters -
Planet XEE
12 Chapters